Hearty Welcome!
Thank you for visiting my website. Below, I provide a comprehensive overview of the treatments I offer.
Assia Boukacem
My services:
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Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy
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Beratung, Coaching und online Therapie.
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Challenges in one`s professional or private life cn often lead to stress, or difficulties, complicate relationships or even lead to isolation,. Burnout, depression or psychosomatic ailments are some of the possible outcomes.
As a clinical psychologist/psychotherapist, I can assist you in coping and finding solutions. You may already be aware of your struggles, but it may be difficult for you to classify your emotional state. Throughout my practice, we can jointly develop solutions and initiate the appropriate treatments steps for you.
Couples therapy
There are challenges in daily life, that may cause stress on a relationship, most common problems are the following:
Poor communication
Lack of Trust in case of infidelity
Fear of Commitment
Venue of a new born
Intimacy Issues and so on
Couples counseling helps couples to identify the source of their conflicts and will be assisted to improve communication with each other. With the help of Tasks or Homework in between the sessions, the ultimate goal of this homework is to get you to a point where you can work out your issues on your own outside the therapy.
Couples therapy may strengthen your relationship, you will be reminded why you came together in the first place, you will release yourselves from beeing trapped in a never-ending cycle of relationship arguments, devolop communication skills, learn how to resolve a confilct.
After Therapy you may also realise that you habe had a beautiful journey together but it is time to part without resentment.

Online Psychotherapy
According to scientific studies, online psychotherapy can be as effective as conventional psychotherapy. However, an online consultation are generally not suitable for sever mental illnesses or acute crises. When it is not possible to meet in person, challenging and stressful life situations can be addressed through special counselling sessions over protected video telephon call. Using secure end-to-end encryption with EU privacy standards to ensure calls cannot be intercepted. For an appointments you may contact me by phone or email.
Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy
Behavioral therapy focuses on actively tackling problems and practicing new behaviors. Initially, we will discuss your treatment goals and ways to progressively increase desirable behaviors.
I will help you to understand your habits, acquired behavioral patterns, and support your steps to change the way you think, feel and act.
Behavioral therapy is effective psychotherapeutic method which can lead to sustainable positive changes in a manageable period of time.
Schematherapy, developed by Jeffrey Young, belongs to the third wave of behavioral therapy. It supplements classical cognitive behavioral therapy with concepts from other forms of therapy, such as depth psychology-oriented therapy, Gestalt therapy, hypnotherapy, etc. In schematherapy, we focus on so-called “dysfunctional schemes”, which arise when in childhood central basic emotional needs (such as after attachment and/or autonomy) are not sufficiently satisfied. The accompanying unpleasant feelings of the child and the associated cognitions, memories and physical sensations are stored in the developing brain in the form of schemas which may control the experience and perception of the affected person.

“The thoughest time in our life holds the opportunity to build up inner strength”
Dalai Lama
About me
Assia Boucacem
Große Friedberger Straße 44-46
60313 Frankfurt am Main
You can always choose to pay for the costs of psychotherapy yourself. In such cases, there is no need´to declare the diagnosis for your Medical Insurance and provider, you will not need to wait for your insurance`s approval.
Most private health insurance plan cover the costs of psychotherapy. It is necessary to inquire in advance about what treatmenst are covered. Generally it is necessary to submit a diagnosis and treatment plan prior to beginning therapy. The costs of the treatment are governed by the fees for psychotherapist (GOP).

You can contact me here:
To get an appointment please contact me under the following: