About me



Assia Boukacem


1989 – 1993

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at London Guildhall University (UK) with a Bachelor of Science Psychology

1998 – 2001

Master’s Degree in Psychology, Milton Keynes (UK) “Master of Science in Psychology


Training as psychological psychotherapist with focus on behavioral therapy at the training institute of the Goethe University Frankfurt

2006 – 2017

Research Project: “Psychosocial Adaptation to an Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)

2017 -2018

Advanced training in systemic couple therapy (Systemic Institute, Heidelberg)


Further education in Schematherapy (Institute for Schematherapy Frankfurt)

Working experience


Hospital of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt Clinic for Psychiatry 1.

Practical work with cognitive behavioral therapy

2004 – 2010

Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy

Expertise in organ source transplantation (Heart, liver, live kidney donation and lungs)

Dermatology, Psychocardiology

2008 – 2009

Kerckhoff Clinic Bad Nauheim

Psychosomatics: psychocardiology, group therapy

2016 – 2018

Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt

Psychosocial counselling centre for refugees, diagnostics, psychotherapy, research assistant, part-time

2010 – Today

Vitos Clinic Bamberger Hof

psychosocial psychiatric outpatient clinic Frankfurt.

"Inner peace starts, when the drama of your own story has no more control over your life."

Angela D. Kesa

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